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Tada Group

Improving the performance of thermoacoustic engines and refrigerators

Thermoacoustic engines, which utilize the heat transport phenomenon in microchannels caused by the compression and expansion of gas, are attracting attention as an environmentally friendly energy conversion technology that can handle a variety of heat sources, including waste heat and sunlight. In this research, we are working on improving the heat storage structure to reduce the oscillation start temperature and improve the energy conversion efficiency. We are also developing a wet type that combines evaporation and condensation phenomena.

Introduction to thermoacoustic engines

Development of high-quality freezing and thawing technology for living organisms and foods

We are investigating the freezing process of biological tissues and foods from the viewpoint of micro-heat transfer, and investigating the mechanism of freeze damage. We are building a freezing/thawing model from an assembly of cellular elements, both inside and outside the cell, and pursuing a hierarchical treatment that links macro-heat transfer with cell life and death and changes in food quality. We are also developing active control technology for the supercooling phenomenon during the freezing process, and high-quality thawing technology using ultrasound.

Control of supercooling and freezing

Microscopic behavior of wheat protoplasts during freezing and thawing

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Development of energy harvesting technology

Thermoelectric power generation, which converts thermal energy into electricity, is expected to be a clean and sustainable power source for sensors by using sunlight as a heat source. In this research, we are prototyping and analyzing the performance of a solar power generation system that combines thermoelectric power generation and latent heat storage to enable power generation during both the day and night.

Microsolidification and heat transfer in multicomponent systems.

In the solidification of multi-component systems, such as in materials manufacturing and freezing of living organisms and foods, a solid-liquid coexistence region (mash region) appears between the liquid and solid phases, spatially capturing the discharge of solutes. We are investigating the formation mechanism of the mash region and the fixation of microscopic properties as a basis for creating new materials.

Development of heat transfer enhancement and control technology

The development of heat transfer promotion and control technology is fundamental to the effective use of energy. In our laboratory, we are developing various heat transfer promotion technologies, such as the promotion of convection heat transfer using ionic wind generated by electric fields, and the promotion of heat transfer by controlling solid-gas multiphase flows using electric fields.

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